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How to Create Back Links in an Efficient Way

Back links:

Back links are the driving force behind the world of search engine optimization and page ranking. To do well in the results of specific search in the search engines the site must have higher page rank and higher page rank is achievable through getting some great back links.

Basically back links are the links which are in other sites that links to your site. Back links are really easy to create but it’s a boring and monotonous job. There is no good amount of back links that will get you a great page rank or a good rating in the search engines.

How to create back links:

There are many ways of creating back links and these methods change as the field of search engine optimization is growing day by day.

1. Anchor text : To create back links firstly you have to learn how to create anchor text. An example is here :

<a href = your website's url>Your keywords here</a>

2. Article writing: Article writing is the best way to get the best back links. There are plenty of article sites to give you a great back link. You have to just write a great article along with your sites anchor text and link. You can use automated software to do this but make sure your article is a great one and it is on your sites keywords.
3. Forum posting : There are many forums and blogs now on the internet to have your precious site’s link. To create you have to add your link like an anchor text. The higher the forum’s page rank the higher your page links are granted.

4. Blog Comments : To create back links in blogs you have to have the keywords in the name area and then your address. Then a link will be created in the name area of yours.

5. Twitter : If there are many following you then twitter is a great way to have back links too. Its one of the new ways to have back links now a days.

6. : This is a new site where you can ask many questions and answer them. Just pick one with your related topic and then give your site’s link.

7. Hub pages and Squidoo : These sites let you build pages in the net along with great back links to support you site. But there is a difference in squido and hub pages. You have to be careful in Hub pages for back links as it lets you add more links than the squido for your site.

8. Google alert for keywords : This is one of the primary way to get updated about your keywords on the internet. Each time for setting up a new site you have to set Google alert for your keywords. For this you get news whenever anyone sets up a new blog on that keyword and you can add your link in that new blog.

9. Directory submission : This method also contain social book marking and many web directory submission. This is a tedious way of doing back links as there are tons of directories and you just can count on any sources. Just take an half hour each day to submit in different directories. But now a days there are many software available that submits automatically to the directories.

10. Social Book marking Site : Its one of the best ways of creating great back links but only if you have much friends and their time. This is a method where you and you friends post and comment on your own keywords leaving you with great back links. But you really want good friends and a great popularity to get this done.

11. Video marketing : Now a days it is very popular among the upcoming web programmers to launch their sites video in different video sites like you tube or other videos site. This gains much traffic to your site rather than back links but it’s an innovative way too.

12. Link exchange : This is one of the ways for the bigger fish with money and less time. There are plenty of sites that sale your link on their ranked site. The higher the PR(page rank) the higher the price. But sometimes if you are out for a look and good communicative skill then you can even buy yourself a free back link in any related site of your preferred keyword. Of course the owner must be as eager as you to let you use his site for free! But be careful about the link farming sites. Those are strictly not supported by the search engine crawlers.

The Mistakes :

The common mistakes on creating back links is giving your site’s link in those sites where you site would not be followed as it is coded in the robot text. Then you site would not be found in the results of your wished keywords.

Another thing is that posting your links in irrelevant sites. This a common mistakes among the amateurs. If you do this then the search crawlers will be taking this as a spamming and cut you off their search.

So this should be taken seriously as if you get cut off by the search engine’s crawler then it would be a disaster in your way of getting a good page rank.

Perfect way :

Perhaps you have already found out that there is no ultimate way of having great back links. But to get in the wrong direction, a thousand doors are open. So be careful with creating back links. Stay updated and most of all spend time. That’s what is important to learn here. The methods may change, the outputs may differ but there are no other ways rather than being steady and industrious over the matter.

So I have tried to go through all the matters found in the great cookbook of creating back links but the world of back linking is changing. So with great keywords, contents and most important great back links can get you a higher search engine optimization.


30 November 2009 | Tags: , ,

One thought on “How to Create Back Links in an Efficient Way”

  1. if you have a lot of articles or content on Hubpages, you can really get lots of traffic and in turn you can make lots of money from it.~–

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